Sunday, March 31, 2019

Prayer Warrior with a Fierce Faith

I believe there is no better way to love a person than to pray for them.

I have been blessed my entire life by prayer warriors who have lovingly prayed me through many uncertain times. I am humbled by the number of people who have placed me in the arms of Jesus. I know I have been protected over and over again by those with trusting hearts far stronger than my own.

Prayers for health, prayers for safety, prayers for healing, prayers for the known and the unknown - they have all been offered on my behalf. I am been loved in a mighty and powerful way. 

I have recently found myself in a group of 20+ beautiful women that are loyal to pray for me. These women were strangers a few short months ago. But, it is no mistake we are friends now. God has always had a beautiful way of bringing the exact  people into my life that I need at this moment - and for those who just might need me. I am amazed by His goodness and His grace.

We have a common ground. We are prayer warriors who have a fierce faith knowing that the safest place to bring those we love is to the One who will love and protect them the very best.

Listen to this song from many years ago that reminds me of the many who have loved me through prayer. I hope they know they can count on my prayers, too.  We need each other! And, like I said, I believe there is no better way to love a person than to pray for them.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Lift Up Your Heart...

"It is spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want–oh, you don't know quite what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!"
                                                                                                                                    –Mark Twain

February 2019 can be summed up in a few words - Cold, Grey and Snow. School has not been in session a full week since January, or so it seems. I have been stuck at home and recovering from surgery this February. And, like everyone else, I am longing for warmer days, dry pavement, sunshine and the drab and dreary monotone of winter to be washed away.  

This short month seems to have last the length of several. 

My heart needs a lift!

I know that just beneath the surface of the hard packed soil there is a lot going on.  Nature is preparing to wake up and wow us with all of her beauty. If you look closely, you can see the trees budding a bit, the tulips and crocus pushing and poking their little heads out of the ground and waiting for their chance to bloom. It's almost time.

There has been preparation in my heart this season, as well. God has quieted me with His love over and over again. My usual talkative self has been stilled and it seems all I can do is listen. It's been a season of learning, observing and of nourishment. God has breathed a longing in my soul to seek him with all of my heart and say "yes" to the things he desires for me. I've been able to find God in the most unexpected places and through the most unexpected people. It's humbling to know and believe how much I am loved. 

It's amazing to see how God has used rest and stillness to bring beautiful things into my life. Just like the long February has prepared the earth for beauty of Spring.